Sunday, February 15, 2009

How can such monsters live in our world?

Our world is a cruel place where unspeakable crimes happen and sickening monstrosities occur. Every day children die of causes that are hard for many of us to comprehend. These causes are what makes our world a place full of so much hatred, death, and fear that drives many people to the brink of insanity. What causes people to do such horrible things? What drives them to even think of hitting a poor and innocent child or jabbing a knife through another living soul? This kind of behavior makes me sick to my stomach and I hope that justice will be served to every foul monster living on this planet.

Child abuse is a growing concern in our world today. Many children live a life that's full of much pain and suffering not being able to be loved like they should be and deserve to be. Every child should have a right not to be abused, not to be cut down, and not to be ignored because every living soul is special and deserves to be loved in some way. Abuse is a horrible crime and the people who commit it should be punished greatly. I don't understand how people can hurt poor and innocent children with no regret whatsoever. Our world is a complicated place where these vial monsters live within our streets. So much abuse goes on in our world and many cases appear in newspapers on a daily basis. Some crimes even go unnoticed and its hard to see such sad eyes within our schools and towns. We have to stand up to this violence in our world and help by making the abused feel loved for at least once in their lifetime. Help them to feel happiness for a change instead of the fear they experience every day. Help them to know that there not alone in this world and that many people are out there waiting to help. The crime of abuse will not be overcome unless we take a stand for what we believe in and help to bring change to our troubling planet.

Kelsey Briggs is a prime example of how deadly child abuse is. Her story touches hearts everywhere and makes people aware of the violence within our world. Her life tragically ended at age 3 but her memories and story will live on forever.

This video was taken from youtube

My name is Kelsey, I'm only two.
I'm way too young to know right from wrong, I can barely sing a children's song.
When you hurt me, why can't you see, I don't understand, I'm not even three.
I try to walk: "Can't!"
My little body's black and blue and now you have taken my family too.
I love my daddy and he loves me, Grandma, PaPa, where can you be?
I don't forget, I think of you and when I'm hurt, your love shines through.
It's dark in here, I can't go on.... No! Wait! There's light, an angel's song.
I feel God's hand lift me away, he has the perfect place to play.
I know you hurt, I see your tears, but only God knows why I'm here.
Daddy, I'm okay, my body's new and I will never, ever forget you.
My name was Kelsey.

Connie Mathews
Kelsey's great-aunt

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that child violence should be stopped, and that it's a horrific crime. But, what are your suggestion(s) on the action(s) we should take to help reach out to someone? How do you think abusers should be punished?
